A Sneak Peek Into Our Office | St. Louis Wedding Photographer & Videographer

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Working from home provides me with a TON of distractions. I could be editing through a wedding in my office and all of a sudden remember that the towel in our bathroom is on the floor so I have to immediately get up and take care of it. While perfectionism is engrained in me, the knee jerk reaction to tidying everything up, I blame on my parents. There was no wait time in our house growing up. When there was something out of place, you dropped everything you were doing- even if you were cleaning another area of the house- to put whatever it was back in order the minute Mom or Dad yelled. Right before this fall season really takes off, I've taken a few minutes to fix up the office, put in a fresh Focus wallflower, and prepare myself to grind away with as few of those distractions as possible!

Yes! That is my wedding dress! When I was little, I would go to my grandma's house and in the back room her wedding dress hung from an antique boudoir. I would sneak in there just to look at it! I planned to do the traditional thing, where you box up your clean wedding dress and stick it under your bed to never look at again, but that was just too traditional for me.  

As if I needed any extra convincing, when J and I were studying to become pre-martial counselors, we heard a lesson from this couple that talked about being on the same team in marriage. The wife said, "When you put on your wedding dress, you're putting on a cheerleading uniform, if you will. You're changing your mindset that you are now a part of a team, and it's your role to cheer this team on... In the times when it's easy, and in the seasons when it's hard. You're on the same team." 

I loved that illustration that I am my marriage's cheerleader! So there hangs my uniform as a daily reminder that J and I are on the same team, we're working together in all things, and it's my role to continually show up and cheer us on no matter how the season is going. 

J and I aren't just a team on a wedding day, but every other day, too! While he works his traditional job still, I spend my days in the comfort of our office, working behind the computer. When we first transitioned this room into our office, it was just my office. But after a while, we realized J needed a desk, too. Our quick solution was to remove the closet doors, add cute white boxes to hide away the junk, and cover everything with white curtains. So far, this has worked well, but we're hoping to have our new office in the basement finished by the end of the year! 

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