My Magnificent Melinda | St. Charles Photographer

Thursday, January 12, 2017

I have the best friends. No, seriously. The. Best. 

I have two best friends. Each are so different from one another, but both perfect for me. 

Last year, I hit this low spot in my life where I felt like I couldn't connect with anyone. My baby went to be with Jesus, so I didn't fit in with my other best friend and her mom group. I was recently remarried, but the young marrieds group seemed almost too young. I just felt like I couldn't connect with anyone. It was a dark place. So J, began to pray. He prayed that I would have a girl friend who I could connect with, who challenged me, and loved me almost as much as he did. I scoffed, that God would even care about this what seemed to be  pathetic need of mine. 

But, He did. And he placed Melinda in my life. We connect with each other, and she most definitely challenges me.  She pushes me to have a deeper relationship with Him, listens to me vent about J, but still thinks he is the best thing that has ever happened to me (because he really is), and she loves me, for me. 

We were sitting at a luncheon a few months ago and the question came up, "If there was one word to describe Melinda, what would it be?". Someone else coined magnificent Melinda. But I have to agree wholeheartedly.

Melinda most definitely is magnificent. She's a magnificent writer. A writer who has published textbooks and articles, and has even more in the works. Yet, she's humble enough to not mention it to everyone she meets. She has a gift of stringing together boring words and creating a beautiful story always with a lesson.  She has a captivating way of making people feel feelings that haven't felt in a while. Her words encourage people around the world. Literally, around the world. But I get to experience them first hand. 

She can sing, lead worship, pray (seriously, this woman can pray), manage 20 children single handedly without breaking a sweat, cook, manage households, and serve. I could go on for days about all the things she can do. 

But the reason I love her most, is her love. She loves others. More genuinely than I could explain (if she was writing this, she would be able to. But I can't.). She loves people the way Christ does. She's never afraid to get dirty. She pours every bit of herself into others. Every. Last. Drop. and even when people are selfish, she continues to love them. 

Melinda is one of a kind. And I'm glad so very glad that God didn't think my need of a friend was pathetic, but orchestrated our paths to cross. 

Melinda is embarking on another adventure. She's rebranding her incredible blog, Melindanicity. If you haven't read any of her work, I strongly encourage you to. Until she launches her new rebranding, enjoy these pictures of my best friend, the magnificent Melinda. 

PS. Yes, she is gorgeous. Yes, she is single. But I am also super picky about who she is allowed to date. So, if you are interested, please send me an email and I will send you an application. ;) Kidding... kind of. 


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